B.C. is offering $7,500 to small businesses for online sales help

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At the beginning of the pandemic, we wrote the following post:

You don’t have 90 days to get your online store going! (https://www.facebook.com/KDINetworkServices/posts/2599726933472564)

Almost a year later, and here we are with an update. Today we have some good news; the B.C. government is offering qualifying small businesses up to $7,500 to build or upgrade their online sales portals to help get through the COVID-19 pandemic. The government has seen the significance of online sales during this time- it is vital to our economy. More importantly, if you are not implementing online solutions, you may be falling behind, which could have long-term repercussions to your business. If there is ever a time to upgrade your business operations, it is now!

Feel free to contact KDI at 1-800-661-1755 or email info@kdi.ca to learn how we can work with you through this grant program.

More information about the grant program can be found here: https://www.vicnews.com/business/b-c-offers-7500-grants-for-small-business-online-sales-help/ 


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Kobelt Development Inc. is an information systems support company which provides top quality and consistent client care. 

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