How KDI Helps People Like You
Are you experiencing concerns like these?
- Your network and computers frequently have problems, with programs not working right or hardware down, and people unable to do their work
- Failure of a key hard drive or backup device leads to the loss of important files, meaning that you have to either pay for expensive data rebuilds, or go back to clients and say you can no longer serve them
- Different systems like inventory, billing and customer management are not able to talk to one another, resulting in costly errors like what was billed not matching what was shipped
- People cannot easily track down hardware connections to find what is wired to what on the network, making IT hardware issues take too long to solve and lose time and productivity
- Your website is complicated, requires expertise to manage, and too much time to keep updated, leading to an out-of-date and expensive-to-maintain site
- IT-driven business processes do not accomplish what you want them to
- The old ways of delivering educational courses are making you miss out on a new revenue stream, increased membership or lowered costs that an online version of your learning program could bring.
Click on the problems you recognize as relevant to you to find out what we can do to help.