Network Support and Implementation

Stop Losing Time Because Your Network Isn’t Organized


Do you find that you’re losing time and productivity because people cannot easily track down what is connected to what on your network? It’s hard to quickly solve IT hardware issues when your network cabling looks like a rat’s nest and isn’t labeled.

A lot of people call this part of IT outsourcing “managed services.” We prefer to call it “client service.”


“I really have appreciated the service I have gotten and like how KDI staff are friendly, competent, prompt to help and answer e-mails promptly.”

Manfred Schulz
Computer Instructor and Administrator at Regent Academy


We know from experience that some of our clients like to have the latest and greatest, while others follow the “break-fix” model of IT management. What you should have is an IT solution that provides you with the right levels of securityaccess, and expandability, don’t you agree?

You probably don’t have the time, or perhaps even the inclination, to keep on top of every new thing in the IT world. That’s why we advocate for the right IT solution for your business, on your behalf. We’ll advise you when a more effective way to take care of the IT-driven functions of your organization is available, and we’ll make sure it’s cost effective.