Preventative Maintenance
Solve Little Problems Before They Break Your Bank.
This is the heart of what others call “managed services”, and what we at KDI call “client service”. You get the peace of mind of a part-time expert, who knows your business and consistently fixes the little things before they become big problems. You’ve got a choice: spend a huge sum, and lose all the income or operational time for your organization as long as your network is down, on the massive Break-Fix problem. Or you manage your financial outlay through bite-sized amounts and a much smaller total as KDI’s friendly and knowledgeable technician visits at regular intervals.
You’ll get reports on what’s going right and what needs attention, someone who will gain institutional knowledge of your people, IT infrastructure and business processes, problems stopped before they start, and the comfort of knowing you’ve got an expert to call – especially if you have KDI’s NetSentron — to remotely diagnose and fix nearly all network issues.